Mon’s Books

I love to read. Reading is like breathing…if I could, I would do little else. I stopped for years and than one day, BOOM! and now I can’t stop. I read a bit of everything, from management books to romantic novels, from historical fiction to business reads. I hope that through my reviews, you will find the inspiration to start reading again.

Myrah’s corner

Myrah is my daughter and she loves to write stories. She has the same love for reading as I do ( luckily she picked up my best habit! ) and I am so in awe with her gift that I thought to share her power of imagination on here…who knows? will she be a future writer? will you enjoy her stories and read them at bed time to your kids?

My journal blog

I know it might sound pretentious to believe that someone would be interested in my life at all…but I am embarking on a new journey of learning and discovery, experimenting with this blog, potentially opening my own networking business, and I thought maybe someone who is going through the same or something similar, might be interested in what I have to say. I for sure will be interested to hear about you and your experience and see where this takes us.